Kamis, 24 Maret 2016


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Hi fellas! On this time I would like to tell you a little about me. So let me introduce my self. My name is Siti Humairoh and you can call me Humairoh, Humai, Umai or Jume. All my friends in Junior and Senior High School call me Jume. I have a story “Why they called me Jume?” but not now maybe next time I can to tell you hehe :D You can call me as I tell but please don’t call me Siti. I don’t know why I don’t like it if everyone call me Siti. I was born in Jakarta, 28nd of March 1995. I live at Tanah Merdeka street near from Kp. Rambutan bus station. I live with my parents, brother and sister. My father name is Mr. Maruri. He is a Enterpreneur. My mother name is Mrs. Sarah. She is a housewife. I have one brother and two sisters. My brother name is Hasbullah. And my sisters name is Rindu Sri Rahayu and Mauri Aditia Rahmah. My parents have an different children, I means about the face and just only me have a ugly face huhu 
Actually I don’t like to dercribe about me. Because only other person can judge me even it good or not hehe. I have bad habit I always come late in the first class, I always delay do all my task, I don’t discipline of course about time. It’s doesn’t good for me. Consequence from my all bad habit is I became a suffer losses 
After I graduated from Senior High School, I continue my study in the next level yup study in college. I really want to study and to be part of student at one of state university in Indonesia.  I have already done all the efforts, starting from SNMPTN, SMBPTN, SIMAK UI, UM UGM, until I go to Yogyakarta for test in one of the best private university. But the result is no one university accepted me. This because consequence from my all bad habit, because I didn’t study seriously when I in Senior High School. I’m feeling so sad L I cried every day for two weeks L Eventually my mom suggest me to study in Gunadarma University and choose the accounting major. My mom said accounting graduates will easily get a job actually for women. So me as a good daughter can only accept my mom suggest.

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